Today we have two different local business join us for High Five Friday! Employees from Family 1st Dental of Sac City and United Bank of Iowa - Sac City greeted our East Sac County students with High Fives and Smiles to start their Friday! Thanks for joining us!!!
At East Sac County, we have some incredible students doing incredible things. One student in particular, Luke Wernimont, a senior at East Sac County, stepped up in a big way this year. In the fall when Student of the Month started, Luke reached out to Mrs. Dooley and Mrs. Poen to see if he could help make this recognition even more special. Luke volunteered to make an individualized wooden plaque for every 7th-12th grade student who received this award. Every month, Mrs. Dooley and Mrs. Poen coordinate with Luke who needs a plaque and when they need to be done by; this plaque makes the award even more special! Thank you Luke for going above and beyond!!!
Earlier this week, Neil Peterson, CAD instructor at ICCC stopped and visited with Mr. McCollough’s Industrial Technology students. Mr. Peterson shared the career opportunities related to CAD and the ICCC Engineering Tech program. We truly appreciate when we can share different career opportunities with our students!!!
Our East Sac County 3rd graders enjoyed a reading lab outside! They earned this reward for working hard on their ISASP tests. Nice work kids, way to give your best effort!!!
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
East Sac County would like to recognize our building administrative professionals that truly keep things in order and CARE for ALL our staff and ALL students at ALL times.
Deanna Kroeger has worked for the district for the past 28 years and is currently in her 8th year as the Elementary Administrative Professional.
Angela Meredith has worked for district for 22 years and is currently in her 1st year as the Central Office Administrative Professional.
Lisa Phillips is in her 6th year as shared Administrative Professional.
Brianna Pierce is currently in her 1st year as the High School Administrative Professional.
THANK YOU for all that you do!!!
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!!! Today and everyday we need to be thankful for the people who transport our students safely and are usually the first and last school employees our students see everyday!!! Thank you for what you do for our students and our district!!!
Our East Sac County Bus Drivers are:
Mike Frank
Irene Corbin
Terrence Reis
Julie Howes
Jeff Myers
Alan Perry
Larry Bundt
Bill Riley
Paul Huser
Steve Nuetzman
Todd Bontrager
Jeff Kruse
Eric McCullouigh
Marilyn Peters
Larry Tellinghuisen
Nate Hemiller
Brian Wilson
Cindy Wilcke
The East Sac County Kindergarten class, teachers, associates, and chaperones had a GREAT time at the Circus this past Friday in Sioux City! The tickets were donated by the Shriners International Organization! Fun was had by all!!!
Today was a very a special High Five Friday at East Sac County! We had approximately 40 Dads show up to greet our students and give high fives! Several students were excited that their Dad was there! Also, representatives from the First State Bank in Lake View joined as well! Thank you to the Dads and the bank for starting the day with some smiles and high fives!!!
On Thursday, April 19th Mrs. Buse and the chemistry students invited the kindergarten and 1st grade students to join them for a chemistry magic show. Chemistry students demonstrated their understanding of chemical phenomena in the form of mini skits and experiments. From giant bubbles, to lemon volcanoes, to the traditional mentos and coke students of all ages were able to experience the joys of learning. It's always awesome when our HS students can show our younger students that learning is FUN!!!
As mentioned in a previous post, yesterday our 7-12 students participated in a volunteer day. Here are some pictures from Mrs. Mueggenberg's 8th grade class assisting teachers at the Elementary building and showing the importance of helping out to our younger Raiders! They also had a little fun assisting with recess too!!!
Last week our East Sac County Elementary students learned about safe school bus evacuations and conducted a drill with ESC Transportation Director Brian Wilson and Iowa State Trooper Paul Gardner. We appreciate Trooper Gardner for the safety lesson and his service to the community!!!
Mrs. Bruce's preschool class ended their Sand Study by visiting Hallets Pit. We got to explore a pile of sand and took a tour around the pit to see how the sand and gravel is moved by machinery. Each child got a plastic hard hat and a treat. As one student put it, "It was the best day ever!!!"
Due to the Boil Advisory the city of Lake View issued this weekend for Monday and Tuesday of this week, East Sac County is requesting students in grade 7-12 bring a full water bottle from home each day of the advisory. The school will be purchasing cases of water from the Lake View Fire Department for students who need water during the school day.
7-12 students please bring a full water bottle to school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. You attention to this situation is appreciated.
Our High Five Friday guests this morning were from Unity Point in Sac City! Thank your for greeting our students with smiles and high fives! We appreciate you!!!
Earlier this week, the East Sac County 3rd grade class had the opportunity to travel to Storm Lake to visit our local Iowa DNR Fish Hatchery. While they were there they learned from a few celebrity Dads, Ben Wallace Fisheries Biologist and Matt Mork, Fisheries Technician, about how they gather fish, collect eggs, and fertilize them.
They then were able to watch them release the fish down the slide back into the lake.
In science students have been learning about fertilization and natural selection. Thank you to the Iowa DNR and these Dads for this awesome opportunity!!!
If you would like to learn more about the process check out this YouTube video:
Youth Marketplace is back and our bankers stopped in last week to discuss elements of taking out loans. Steve Irwin from the Iowa State Bank and Lora Wright from the Iowa State Extension did a nice job at getting our students excited about building their business plans. The "Bankers" will be back next week to present their business plans and ask for loans. Students will use these loans to purchase materials to make their products. They will be selling these on May 14th here at the elementary school!!!
Reminder - East Sac County with have their High School PROM and GRAND MARCH this Saturday at 6:00 PM. Hope to see you there!!!
Student In The Arts recognizes students that are seen following expectations in and out of the classroom as well as showing a dedicated effort within the Arts programs. We recognize one student, per grade level, per Fine Arts program, each semester at the elementary level. This is a new recognition program that started this year to help shine a light on the Fine Arts programs. Congratulations to these students!!!
K-6 Music Awardees are:
Phoenix Drost
Jessa Buse
Nash Peterson
Gracie Eneboe
Joseph Schultz
Harrison Roth
Braylon Harms
K-6 Art Awardees are:
Greyson Garcia
Blair Steinkamp
Kinsley Nauberhaus
Harper Hemiller
Briggs Kluver
Toni Jenkins
Dallas Kennebeck
5-6 Band Awardees are:
Braxton Baumhover
Makya Mann
April is Child Abuse Prevention month, some of our East Sac County 3rd graders went to the courthouse to attend a Sac County Board of Supervisors Meeting to read the abuse proclamation! Thank you students for representing our school district well!!!
Congratulations to East Sac County Students of the Month for the month of March!
Elementary students are recognized for consistently following Raider expectations, being kind, and putting forth their best effort. Congratulations to the following elementary students:
Jett Huster (K), Grace Wallace (3), Grayson Mauer (5), Makya Mann (6), Emma Ernzen (2), Errett Meister (3), Evan Thiele (1)
Preschool - Louie Wedeking
Junior High and High school students have been nominated and selected by staff for many reasons. Criteria can include being a role model for others, showing kindness, doing well academically, working to the best of their ability or having a positive attitude. Congratulations to the following junior high and high school students:
Junior High - Brylie Belcock (7) & Stefanya Rassel (8)
High School - Scottie Eichhorn (9), Emerson Ludwig (10), Sam Julin (11), & Caleb Eichhorn (12)
We appreciate your hard work and dedication to being a positive role model in our school!!!